Friday, December 20, 2019

Music, Theater, And Dance From The Inside Out - 900 Words

At age eighteen, I underwent one of the most strenuous experiences of my life when I attended a prestigious musical theatre conservatory. From 7:30a until 10:00p Monday through Friday, I never stopped moving. I committed to studying music, theatre, and dance from the inside out. I consulted newspaper archives and interviewed playwrights in order to understand my characters’ backgrounds. I delved into every aspect of the plays I was assigned, like an investigator rather than a performer, learning about the political and social climate of the era in which the plays were first written and performed, the biographies of the playwrights, and even the weather patterns in the regions where the plays were set. Unlike my classmates, who reported feeling burdened and uninspired by their research, I experienced a rush of excitement with every new discovery. Meanwhile, in class, my professors scrutinized everything about me. They denounced the way I walked, the way I spoke, and the way I b reathed. Though difficult, this feedback permanently altered my view of myself, allowing me to become more self-aware. Surprisingly, rather than breaking me, the critical eyes of my professors and peers gave me renewed confidence and assertiveness. In spite of this, throughout the year I became more and more cynical about the art form I loved. Although my commitment to my characters never faltered, my work in the theatre felt hollow. A new understanding of the battered women and disenfranchisedShow MoreRelatedEl Salvadors Impact On The United States1381 Words   |  6 PagesThe area that is currently El Salvador was originally comprised of 3 vast indigenous states and various territories. The Pipils, indigenous occupants who settled in present day Mexico, are a nomadic people that originated from Nahua. 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